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Gain control of your body. Get your vitality back. Stop struggling with painful periods, abolish PMS, reverse PCOS & extend your fertility.


The Feminine Edge

A place for women to excel in their bodies, preserve their youthfulness, and extend their fertility years.

If "living smarter in a woman's body" sounds intriguing, then you're in for a treat!

In 5 months, you can go from exhausted and PMSing to your most energetic, focused and confident self with ease.

No, this is not just another cookie-cutter, one size fits all nutrition and exercise program promising unsustainable results.

This is instead an evidence-based, carefully curated, female-centered program, that will revolutionize the way you eat, exercise, work, manage your time, experience productivity, sexual relantionships and motherhood (if you're a mom or want to be).

If you're anything like the women I get to work with, I'm willing to bet...

You want to wake up with enough energy for the whole day, including the energy to nurture your life outside your business; but right now you feel like your brain can't even function until you over caffeinate yourself.

You want to wake up every single day out of the month and have predictable levels of energy, focus, and mental sharpness; but right now you're lucky if you get a full week like this.

You don't want your bleeding week to completely wipe you out and leave you in a fetal position for 3 days in a row but right now your hormones run your life.

You don't want the week before your period to be ruled by PMS, cravings, moods swings, breast tenderness and fatigue; you dream about the day your menstrual cycle feels like a breeze.

You are super driven and want to focus on building your career and empire for many years to come; but you want to make sure you are preserving your youthfulness so that your body is capable of a late and healthy pregnancy.

You want to show up more powerfully in your day-to-day, without feeling overstressed and overwhelmed, but every time you try to become more effective you always end up falling back into the cycle of pushing through resistance, ending up finishing the day exausted.

You want to feel in flow every time you sit down to work and actually feel like you're developing momentum in your productivity, but every time you try, it feels like it takes you forever to get in the flow of things, and you get easily distracted by your humongous to-do list.

And I know you've been told...

in order to reach those outcomes, you have to:

🚫 Be consisten at waking up at 5 am, crush your high-intensity workout, so you can feel more energized throughout the day

🚫 Skip breakfast and fast for 16-18h a day to help with your energy slumps, lose weight and control food cravings

🚫 Go on green juice cleanses to detox your body and get rid of that persistent acne and stubborn weight

🚫 Supplement your way out of fatigue, poor sleep, and acne

🚫 Take birth control to "heal" your hormones and "get rid" of PCOS, heavy bleeding, acne, migraines and fatigue

🚫 Just be consistent with a low-calorie diet and the weight will be gone

🚫 Drink more coffee to stay focused and get sh*it done

🚫 Take time management courses to learn how to be more productive and less sluggish

🚫 Jump on trends like keto, to feel more alert and focused throughout the day

🚫 Go to therapy to deal with your mood swings

🚫 Take antidepressants to "cure" your anxiety and overwhelm because it's all in your head

But despite all your efforts, you're seeing little to no improvement on your overall energy, your PMS symptoms, your focus, productivity and mental health.

And the worst part is:

All of these tips and tricks are making you feel like you're losing even more control of your life.

It feels like you're working backwards.

All your attempts to improve your health seem to be leaving you even more exhausted, worsening your PMS symptoms and somehow ending up making you feel even more overwhelmed and anxious.

But...You're following all the things the experts are telling you.

So, why is it not working?

You're perfectly capable of waking up in the morning feeling like you have:

🟠mental clarity
🟠emotional stability

The only reason you haven't YET been able to consistently access the high-performing woman you were always meant to be it's because you've been following advice that perfectly fits the male body.
The daily choices you're making:
🔵from what you should be eating
🔵to how long you should be fasting
🔵to how you're exercising
🔵to how you organize your work and life
🔵even to how you're networking/socializing

It's ALL been determined using male-centered peak performance research.

What happens when we follow it?

It's exhausts us. Makes us sick. Steals our inherent capabilities to be leaders & creative beings.

It makes us numb to life.

I know this because...


Before: Burnout, Anxious, Brain Fog

You see, like you, I also made it look like I had the picture perfect life from the outside. But on the inside I was hanging by a thread.  

Let me paint a better picture :

☑️Exhausted and burnt out

☑️In real physical pain from all systemic inflammation I had going on

☑️Caffeine-dependent to function (2 coffees in the morning, 2 coffees in the afternoon)

☑️ Brain fog that got worse a week before my period (could not focus or be productive)

☑️Crippling cystic acne that left me with no self-esteem

☑️Performance anxiety at work never feeling I was good enough

I believed I was stuck in a mediocre functioning body.

But I deeply I desired a life where I could:

wake up comfortable in my skin, and show up with confidence anywhere I went

have energy that lasted me throughout the day

have flowing producitvity and focus at work

have clear, bright skin, and not feel scared to look people in the eyes

feel love for myself and my body, instead of hating everything I saw in the mirror

Funny enough, my career geared me towards this reality:

As a cancer researcher, I began digging deeper into how foods and exercsise could impact the development of cancer.

My findings BLEW MY MIND.

Food can change your DNA??? The fact that we could eat to beat cancer, changed my entire reality.

You can imagine what happened next...

I  changed my diet completely. To my own surprise, not even 2 weeks in, everything started to shape up for me:

my thoughts became clearer

my acne started clearing up

my brain fog was no longer running my day

I was sleeping like a baby (which I hadn't experienced for over a decade at this point).


I was noticing a significant difference in energy between certain weeks of the month, while doing the exact same protocol.

Why was I so energized and high life one week,  and then something felt completely off the week after.

Something was not clicking anymore.

So as the good research scientist I am, I looked into it.

This is when I discovered Biohacking for WOMEN!

You see, almost any health strategy can helps us improve our overall health and performance in the early stages of that strategy.

But for us women, following any strategy blindly, it's like playing a dangerous game of russian roullete. Either we're lucky with what we pick or we're not. And 9 out 10 times, we're not.

And we should never base our health choices on luck.

We should base our choices on our female biology.

Discovering my cycle changed my life forever!

There is a whole set of factors, unique to us women, that determines how energized, how focused, how productive, how healthy, how fertile and how happy we can get. 

And those factors are primarily hidden in our hormones and in the language of our menstrual cycle.

It was only when I mastered my hormonal health and learned to create daily habits that support those ever changing factors that I was able to reach peak performance AND keep it, for over 5 years now. 

I get to live life with more ease, and my health NEVER stops suppporting my ability to create my dream life. I am not in pain anymore, and I don't dread my cycle ever! In fact I love my period.

And you can have it all too!
Once you tap into these unique set of factors, you can experience:

✅ greater levels of energy both in the morning and afternoon

❌instead of having midday crashes that zone you out and lead to 2-3h of "pretend" work

✅menstrual cycles that feel like a breeze,

❌instead of being a slave to PMS, mood swings, acne, blaoting and water retention

✅confidence in knowing how to consistently cook and prepare meals that support your hormones

❌rather than guessing day by day what foods your hormones need to have a PMS-free cycle that month

✅ more consistent flow with your daily schedule

❌instead of feeling stress & resistance towards every task you try to achieve

You don't need more diet plans, exercise routines & biohacking tools.

You need to stop operating like a man, and start operating like a woman.

You need to integrate your lifestyle habits into your female biochemistry
and start living in aligment with your hormonal patterns and cyclical nature.

Only then will you finally feel more energized, happier and achieve optimal health.

But it doesn't stop there.

When you do this, you get to see the rest of your life fall into harmony:

✅ you get to experience feeling more deeply connected with your romantic partner

❌instead of irritated, not heard or understood

✅ you get to have more fulfilling sex that reminds of the passionate sessions you had when you first got together, because you're so in-tune with your body

❌instead of avoiding it or faking it

✅ you get to feel more confident with your parenting style

❌instead of overwhelmed and triggered when your kids are testing your patience & limits

This is why I've helped dozens of women just like me and you...

🟠 tap into their unique female brain and body,

🟠 optimize their lifestyle to their 28-day hormonal clock,

🟠 and start living a whole new life of health and vigor,

So they can harness their strengths and never have their power, confidence & vitality stolen away.


The Feminine Edge

In 5 months, you will learn how to:

✅become an expert on how to use the different phases of your menstrual cycle to be able to sustain continuous energy, continuous productivity, lose weight and gain lean muscle more easily, have better sex and more meaningful relantionships and even learn how motherhood can feel less stressfull and overwhelming.

By learning how to address the root causes of your hormonal imbalances you will finally be able to have a menstrual cycle that you adore, instead of falling prey to the vicious cycle of medication or never ending doctor visits to "put a band-aid" on your symptoms.

You get to become the CEO of your mind & body, and start thriving as your most energetic, focused, creative & confident self with ease, while preserving your sex drive, fertility and youthfulness.

My mood, productivity & efficiency tremendously increased!

If I can say one thing about Dr. Maria, is that she saved my life. And that’s an understatement! When I first met Maria, I knew I needed her in my life! Before I started working with her, I had suffered from aches, pains, diseases, inflammations and much more things that I made Normal to my body! 

As a super busy person, I always used to think that I don’t have the time to work on my health or improve my health choices. 

My mood, productivity & efficiency tremendously increased!

If I can say one thing about Dr. Maria, is that she saved my life. And that’s an understatement! When I first met Maria, I knew I needed her in my life! Before I started working with her, I had suffered from aches, pains, diseases, inflammations and much more things that I made Normal to my body!

As a super busy person, I always used to think that I don’t have the time to work on my health or improve my health choices. But as I went through her Coaching program, I was enlightened of how much of an impact just small changes can do to my overall well-being.

My mood, productivity and efficiency tremendously increased! Dr. Maria is a walking encyclopedia of trusted knowledge and expertise and her methods are second to none! She is compassionate and understanding, yet she has always offered deep insights and clarity in each session, and helped me to better understand my body and my mind! I specifically brought her several issues including my ovarian cysts that all doctors said were a lost cause. “Nothing much to do”. As well as my cystic acne and constipation problem (and much more)! After applying what I learned in the program, my cysts have completely dissolved!! It was mind blowing how powerful this was! I felt empowered by all the knowledge that she shared with me. Now I bring her teachings into my day-to-day life at all times, and even to my friends and family! In short, Dr. Maria is not like anyone I’ve worked with before, she offered me a deeper insight within myself, that allowed me to see the great potential I can get to. Being supported by this enlightened power woman has always been a joy and I feel truly blessed to have worked with her!

Reem Ghannoum - Canada.

Public Speaking Mentor; Co-Founder & COO of the Lachine Institute

How Cassandra's got to a PMS-free cycle

How Marah's got to energetic mornings, no cramps and no acne

How Reem got rid of PCOS and cystic acne for good!

Wherever you are in your life, I'm willing to bet...

🔵 you want the clarity

🔵 the confidence

🔵 the energy

to be on top of your game each and every day, and have that feel effortless!

That's why there’s something fundamental for you here.

Imagine if...

Your entire life just felt easier and in more flow, instead of a crazy emotional roller coaster simply because you have ovaries.

You get wake up refreshed and it doesn’t take you over caffeinating yourself to get your brain to function.

When you have a day of back-to-back work, you don’t feel exhausted anymore.

You look forward to your period, instead of dreading it because you no longer suffer from period cramps, PMS, migraines, acne, or mood swings.

You know exactly when to schedule your most mentally challenging work, so that you go through it easily and with no resistance.

When you have a busy week coming up, you know exactly what your habits, routines, and schedule is going to look like for maximum productivity and energy.

You know exactly what to eat and what type of exercise to choose each week of your cycle, to not only support a pain free period, but to also maximize muscle strength and prevent your body from going into fat storage mode!

It takes you less time to bounce back from adversity. Things that used to derail you completely, no longer do. You no longer budge and you know how to set firm boundaries.

Here's how we do it

The Feminine Edge Program is a 360 approach to mastering your health as a female.

It teaches women how to navigate life through the lens of a female-centered approach, so that they can always feel their best and stop getting sabotaged by their own hormones. 

To get you there, we go through the:

Unlocking Your Female Advantage Process™

This is my signature 4-phase process to collapse your timeline to:

⚪a PMS free life (no acne, no bloating, no cramps, no mood swings...you name it!)

⚪consistently waking up feeling energized

⚪achieving flow with your producitivity and focus

During our work together, you will:

Unlock your innate healing capacity

Unlock easy periods, sharp and focused energy, and endless productivity, by uncovering the real root causes behind your chronic hormonal problems using personalized custom holistic strategies that have been designed uniquely for you and where you are in your journey.

Sync with your natural rhythms

So that you never plateau in your ability to feel and be great.

You'll learn a proven, tested framework of how to eat, exercise and work according to each week of your menstrual cycle, so you can say goodbye to acne, migraines, mood swings, weight gain, bloating, and crippling cramps permenantely.

Optimizing productivity - get more done with less stress!

You'll learn how to create sustainable, long-term focus, sharpness, and energy, so that with your hormones, so that  you know how to produce more work faster and with less stress (hint: yes, your hormones can show you that too).

Witness yourself thriving

This is when you get to witness yourself living a delicious life where:

You get to wake up every day feeling confident of what your day is going to look like, no longer feeling like a victim to emotional irritability, PMS and other crippling feelings like anxiety and depression.

Your entire life just feels more at ease - your work, relationships, finances, and your connection with yourself becomes 10 times more delicious.

The essence of this Process has allowed me to go from feeling average to feeling focused, energized and alive every single day - no exception.

This will work for you if:

☑️ You'be been diagnosed with PCOS, fibroids, endometriosis, fertility issues, ovarian cysts, and other period problems.

☑️ You've tried every diet and exercise plan to lose weight, and nothing ever works for you.

☑️ You're on birth control and you're not feeling yourself and have the desire to get off of it safely. 

☑️ You're a mom, and have been struggling with your hormones and menstrual cycles since you gave birth.

☑️ You're having a challenging time with fertility and you want to increase your odds of a healthy pregnancy.

☑️ You have daughters going through their puberty, and they're struggling with painful periods, skin issues like acne, and weight gain.

☑️ You're entering your perimenopausal years (between 35-55) and you're starting to notice exacerbated symptoms.

This process combines:

  • 8 years of experience in medical scientific research
  • 4+ years of experience in functional medicine
  • 5 years of coaching experience
  • & completely reversing my own hormonal problems  while successfully sustaining these changes for over 7 years.

This is an application-only program.

The essence of this Process has allowed me to go from:

❌feeling like I wasn't good enough, achieving enough, or smart enough...

✅ to feeling worthy, focused, having peak productivity, and energized every single day.

✅ And I also got to say goodbye to cystic acne, brain fog, PCOS, fatigue, anxiety and body insecurity.

This program is more than an upgrade to your female health.

It's more than experiencing a pain-free menstrual cycle.

This is your reclamation - your chance to claim back your power as a woman!

This is an application-only program.

Implementing just a few personalized healthy habits a day significantly improved my mental clarity, energy levels, sleep and attention span!

I contacted Dr. Maria because I was looking to improve my gut health and learn healthier ways to manage my anxiety.

After going through her lessons, and with her one-to-one personalized support, I have a much better understanding of how my diet and other lifestyle habits can improve my day to day physical and mental health.

I now wake up each morning with a much healthier mindset of how to run my day for high-performance. I know how to properly nourish my body with eating habits that are for my unique needs. Paying extra attention to implementing a few personalized healthy habits a day significantly improved my mental clarity, energy levels, sleep and attention span!

Alexis - USA.

Masters Student

Saves money,
time & effort

In the 5 months of this program, I’ve already learned more than in years of trying to figure this out on my own. I spent endless hours wasted on “band-aid” cures I thought would make me feel better…All I needed was to understand how my body reacts to my lifestyle choices and really honor my natural cycles as a woman.

It makes so much sense why we feel so "average" all the time. We are missing a huge piece of the puzzle. Cycle syncing has completely shifted how I live my life and I have much more energy. It really feels like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders, and I am so much more connected to my body. The easiest investment of my life.

Healthcare needs to catch up!

Sarah - Canada.

I get to wake up feeling energized

It's so much more than just learning about health. Dr. Maria really believes in your capability to become the best possible version of yourself. That's why I knew this program was for me. When someone believes in you like that, how can you not create greatness? The most impactful difference is my fatigue. I get to wake up feeling energized…I mean what? Never thought that would be possible. And I now know, how to sustainably keep this change. Thank you Dr. Maria. So grateful!

Olivia - USA.

The program is incredible and so complete

I can confidently say I will never regret this. I was scared to jump on this program because there are so many coaches and programs out there. But Dr. Maria’s confidence and energy got to me say yes because I always wanted someone like her in my corner. The program is incredible and so complete. I feel like I got a mini degree on how to never lose my health ever again as a woman - which is so important for me because I always felt so out of control with my body. I feel so confident about what to do each week of my life to support energy, longevity, and happiness. And that is priceless.

Amelia - USA.

I'm pregnant!!!

After being told that having kids was going to be extremely challenging for me, I felt crushed. I knew I wanted to be a mother from a young age, and being told that was possibly not going to work for me, destroyed me. I was angry that the only option was IVF because I didn't want to put my body through it. I wanted to explore easier options first, but my desires were being completely ignored. I found Dr. Maria randomly on Instagram after looking for natural solutions for infertility. After our call, for the first time, I felt seen and heard. I didn't feel like a number in the doctor's office anymore. I told her what I wanted and she gave me exactly what I needed, not only just in strategies to regain my fertility again, but she helped me step into a much powerful mindset as a female. You can probably guess what I'm going to say next! I'M PREGNANT! - Cristina. USA

Symptoms my clients have successfully addressed inside The Feminine Edge Program:

✅ Irregular & missing periods | Painful & heavy periods

✅ PMS | Low back pain | Cramps | Sore breats | Hot flashes | Hedaches and migraines

✅ Mood swings | Irritability | Anxiety | Depressive moods before period

✅ Fatigue | Brain fog | Difficulty concentrating

✅ Cystic acne (face + body) | Hair loss

✅ Bloating | Gut issues (constipation + diarrhea)

✅ PCOS | Cystic ovaries

✅ Low Libido

✅ Difficulty getting pregnant

✅ Difficulty loosing weight and building muscle

✅ Low self-worth | Low self-esteem

✅ Negative self-talk | Lack of confidence

If you're still on the fence...

My experience in this program was truly transformative. I gained so much more than I thought it was possible for me.

Aya - UAE.


I'm thrilled to share my personal story of transformation through my experience in Dr. Maria's program, The Feminine Edge.

When I first joined the program, I was struggling with a range of symptoms, including irregular periods, weight gain, and acne. I felt frustrated and disconnected from my body, and I knew I needed help to make a change because nothing ever worked before.

Throughout my journey, I received a lot of personalized support and I learned how to nourish my body with healthy lifestyle habits that support hormonal balance without feeling restricted. I also received emotional support and guidance to help me overcome limiting beliefs and self-doubt.

One of the most significant breakthroughs for me wasn't even what I expected. It was connecting back with my feminine energy.

I learned how to tap into my intuition, embrace my emotions, and honor my body's natural rhythms.

I discovered that I had been pushing myself too hard and neglecting my own needs, and I began to prioritize self-care and self-love.

I now also have a regular, pain-free period. My acne is so much better and I'm finally seeing my skin transform into a more radiant version. I lost weight in a sustainable, healthy way, without feeling deprived or restricted. I learned to love and accept myself fully, which boosted my confidence and self-esteem.

Unexpectedly, I also improved my relationships with my loved ones, as I learned how to communicate my needs and boundaries effectively.

My experience in this program was truly transformative. I gained so much more than I thought it was possible for me and above all I gained a deeper understanding and appreciation of myself as a woman.

I felt almost broken when I first started. So I am so grateful for the support and guidance I received and highly recommend this program to any woman who is seeking to heal and transform their life.

Here's how we make it happen:

🔸5-months of weekly 1-to-1 coaching sessions with Dr. Maria (20 sessions, 60-min each)

🔸Lifetime access to the program's platform where the modules, plans, guides, & support materials are

🔸Curated action-plans to fit your exact needs and individuality

🔸BONUS: 3x inner child healing sessions with our in-house personal devolopment coach - to uncover emotional blocks and traumas you hold, so you can spead up your healing process, love yourself deeper and attract more abundance in your life

The Edge Plan

- includes everything described above -


You get 1 extra month of coaching sessions added to your package when you pay this price in full!

(a 5-month payment plan is also available.)

Upgrade to VIP Retreat

includes everything described above, plus:

A 3-day VIP stay at Dr. Maria's retreat location in Portugal, to work more deeply on heeling the emotional body, and thus create faster results with the physical body.

The retreat includes:

-  2 full days of 1-1 coaching with Dr. Maria (primarily focused on healing the feminine, and releasing old emotional patterns stuck in the body through somatic practises)

- A relaxing and detoxifying full-body massage

- All meals prepared from scratch from localy sourced organic ingredients

- A private room (with private bathroom) in Dr. Maria's retreat location (more information provided on demand)

- Transportation from the airport to the retreat location


You get 2 extra months of coaching sessions added to your package when you pay this price in full!

(a 5 month-payment plan is also available.)

This program has given me back control over my body!

I loved this program! My experience was definitely a positive one and Dr. Maria always made it a safe place to discuss any concerns I had.

Dr. Maria was always prepared and not only educated me on healthy living but also provided me with the tools to use on my own and use in my everyday life. The program is catered to your needs.

This program has given me back the control over my body and has given me the power and knowledge to fuel my body in the best ways possible as a woman. I feel confident and happy again. Thank you so much.

Kimberly - Canada


Dr. Maria helped me feel so much better. 

Dr. Maria helped me in a moment of my life when I was really sick and all specialists I met didn’t know what I had. It wasn’t a good time for me.

Dr. Maria helped me feel so much better. She taught me many lifestyle changes to help heal my gut in particular. I was desperate and I was willing to try it all. A few weeks after applying them I felt much better. My energy increased, and my gut was in less pain. Long story short, I had a viral infection from C. Difficile, which took 4-5 months to diagnose after having the first symptoms. It took three treatments to get rid of the virus and after all the treatments my gut was destroyed.

Gladly, I was sticking to the plan we created in Dr. Maria's course, and with her support, my health came back to normal. Since then, I'm so lucky that Dr. Maria checks in on me to see how I’m feeling. It’s so great to have her as a professional in my life.

Victoria - Canada.

Masters Student

Why This Program?

When choosing a mentor/teacher/coach, it's important you choose the right one for you. You want to make sure that they have gone through the transformation and know-how to successfully and sustainably maintain meaningful lifestyle changes that promote energy, focus, and a general feeling of well-being.

My type of coaching blends teaching & coaching. Coaching is when I ask you the right questions for you to get the answers that help you create the lifestyle that is most in alignment for you; and teaching is when I show you and guide you through specific recommendations that come from 10+ years of experience in integrative medicine, 5 years of coaching experience, and completely reversing my health problems while successfully sustaining my transformation.

The Science is clear. What differentiates feeling good from feeling great is your ability to precisely pinpoint the root cause of your problems. It's only when we focus on the whole picture that we're capable of creating a really powerful foundation for a limitless life. This is what distinguishes this program from good to exceptional because it focuses on improving all areas of your life, and guides you to the root causes in the most effective way.

This program does not cut corners or promise fast results. I don't give superficial answers and I take the coaching really deep. I'm able to show you the blind spots outside of your peripheral view. That is what makes my coaching so effective.

No other coaching program offers the level of intimacy and personalized attention you get here. This is one of the aspects that makes this program very different. I fully support, guide and coach you every step of the way, but in an empowering way and not in a co-dependent way. There's no space for judgment inside The Feminine Edge Program, only unconditional support.

Plus, you get open access, Monday to Friday, to your new crew of other influential women, as well as me and other hand-picked coaches that get to elevate your experience inside the program.

The Feminine Edge Program is a place for greatness. And with that comes inner work and commitment (the reason why The Feminine Edge Program is an application program only). You get to learn the best of the best, the type of information that makes a REAL impact on your body, in your mind, in your life - but only if you're ready for that.

The Feminine Edge Program is not a place for fast, cheap results. We help bring forward long-term excellence when you commit to the process of becoming limitless. 

I’ve carefully designed this program to focus on the complete picture. There's no missing piece. It's not just a nutrition program. It's not just a sleep program. It's not just a mindset course. It's not just a one-piece program. It's EVERYTHING you need to awaken your best self, backed by female-centered evidence-based science. This is why this program is for the go-getters who are looking for the complete package and want to stop wasting money and time on small investments that lead them nowhere. This program gives you the knowledge, the tactical plans, and the inspiration to change your life permanently.

But don't take this the wrong way. You'll be a student for life. You'll keep learning about your body and how it transforms over the years. But the knowledge you'll get to learn here will forever be the guide you need to tap into your best self. It only gets better when the foundation is strong.

Everything this program will teach you is going to help you...

✅ Not just create better health and performance for the rest of your life

✅ But it's also going to help you become more connected to your inner body wisdom

✅ Ultimately giving you the most incredible gift of:

✅ Knowing how to make the best decisions for yourself, no matter what's happening around you - that's a power that no once can ever take from you again.

My anxiety is at an all-time low, my cycle is up to 26 days and my acne has reduced tremendously

I loved working with Maria! Being the type of person that doesn’t typically choose to rely on anyone for anything, this honestly speaks volumes about how amazing it was working with Maria. She gave me a safe space to work through the different areas that needed to be addressed and would give me non-judgmental feedback. I felt like I could be fully seen and safely explore the different aspects of this journey to a better cycle and overall health.

Now, my anxiety is at an all-time low. I have more outings with my children and husband without feeling overwhelmed or like I need to be in control over all aspects of it. My days are more productive towards my goals; hello to that half marathon I’ve been wanting to slay. My cycle is up to 26 days and my acne has reduced tremendously. I can fully be myself without worrying about how someone else views me.

If there is any complaint about my time working with Maria, it’s that the time ended way too soon. I’m looking forward to working with Maria in other aspects of my life in the near future.

Kristen - USA.

Full-time mom & writer

Enroll to The Feminine Edge Program

The Edge Plan

- includes everything described above -


You get 1 extra month of coaching sessions added to your package when you pay this price in full!

(a 5-month payment plan is also available.)

Upgrade to VIP Retreat

includes everything described above, plus:

A 3-day VIP stay at Dr. Maria's retreat location in Portugal, to work more deeply on heeling the emotional body, and thus create faster results with the physical body. 

The retreat includes:

-  2 full days of 1-1 coaching with Dr. Maria (primarily focused on healing the feminine, and releasing old emotional patterns stuck in the body through somatic practises)

- A relaxing and detoxifying full-body massage

- All meals prepared from scratch from localy sourced organic ingredients

- A private room (with private bathroom) in Dr. Maria's retreat location (more information provided on demand)

- Transportation from the airport to the retreat location


You get 2 extra months of coaching sessions added to your package when you pay this price in full!

(a 5 month-payment plan is also available.)

If you're not sure...

Is this program for you?

This program is FOR YOU if:

✅ You have tried keto, intermittent fasting, paleo and any other diet under sun in an effort to lose weight and manage your PMS symptoms and you barely had any results.
✅ Your doctor has told you need to be on birth control until you reach menopause to mitigate your painful periods and heavy bleeding.
✅ You have dedicated so much of your time to weight-training and high-intensity routines, but still can't see any results.
✅ You're spending hundreds of dollars in supplements, trying to crack the code to why you're feeling do drain the whole day, and nothing is changing.
✅ You've worked with a health coach before, but hormone optimization and cycle syncing was never mentioned.

This program is NOT FOR YOU if:

❌ You're looking for a quick, easy fix for your hormone problems.
❌ You expect to have one "perfect" daily routine that never changes.
❌ You're not willing to adapt weekly to what your hormones need.
❌ You have no time to dedicate to your self-care and be deeply involved in the process of optimization.
❌ You expect results to come instantly with very little work.

Understanding the importance of how to create a healthy and optimized lifestyle has never been easier!

Understanding the importance of how to create a healthy and optimized lifestyle has never been easier!

I knew this program was for me as soon as I spoke with Dr. Maria because she embodied the energy, the focus and the LIMITLESS vibration I was desiring.
As a coach, Dr. Maria always surprised me with the care and empathy she approached every issue I presented to her. She never judged and was always up to date and informed with the latest research in the field of Nutrition and Lifestyle Medicine. She always gave me personalized advice that matched my individual situation and schedule, rather than generalized advice you usually get at your doctor's office. The most impressive part of her approach is how easy-to-understand are all her arguments which are based on scientific facts (which I'm a sucker for).

Understanding the importance of how to create a healthy and optimized lifestyle has never been easier for me! I would highly recommend Maria if you are looking for a reliable, sharp-minded, and passionate coach who gives 200% in each session and fights for your best self!

Dr. Melina - Canada.

Planning, Programming, and Research Officer

But as I went through her Coaching program, I was enlightened of how much of an impact just small changes can do to my overall well-being.

My mood, productivity and efficiency tremendously increased! Dr. Maria is a walking encyclopedia of trusted knowledge and expertise and her methods are second to none! She is compassionate and understanding, yet she has always offered deep insights and clarity in each session, and helped me to better understand my body and my mind! I specifically brought her several issues including my ovarian cysts that all doctors said were a lost cause. “Nothing much to do”. As well as my cystic acne and constipation problem (and much more)! After applying what I learned in the program, my cysts have completely dissolved!! It was mind blowing how powerful this was! I felt empowered by all the knowledge that she shared with me. Now I bring her teachings into my day-to-day life at all times, and even to my friends and family! In short, Dr. Maria is not like anyone I’ve worked with before, she offered me a deeper insight within myself, that allowed me to see the great potential I can get to. Being supported by this enlightened power woman has always been a joy and I feel truly blessed to have worked with her!

Reem Ghannoum - Canada. Class of 2021.

Public Speaking Mentor; Co-Founder & COO of the Lachine Institute

Isabel's journey to a better, more energetic & focused self

Isabel - Canada.

Imagine what it would feel like:

☑️ To move from pain & self-doubt to energy and self-trust

☑️ To wake up in the morning and feel excited about what the day has to offer

☑️ To feel so confident in your skin, you no longer shy away from events and social gatherings

☑️ To be filled with energy and feel deeply connected to your body

☑️ To have certainty that your health is the best it can be

If you're ready to create the most delicious life for yourself, let's have a chat and get that to happen for you! 



Hi, I'm Dr. Maria.

No one believes more in your capability for greatness than me. That's why I created this program - so we can bring it out much faster than if you tried to do it alone.

Over the course of 5 months, I will help you:

🏆 Create lifestyle habits that are uniquely tailored to your female body's needs, so that you can get the best results in half the time!

🏆 Surpass the emotional blocks that are preventing you from achieving greatness and receiving even more success & happiness;

🏆Master the art of hormonal bliss, so that you always wake up feeling your best - and never again fall into the PMS black hole!

🏆How to never again waste time, effort and money following strategies that won't work for your body.

☑️I will always guide you to YOUR best possible version, NOT mine, because I help my clients build individual success, not duplication of my own.


This is an application-only program.

'What’s the greatest lesson a woman should learn? That since day one, she’s already had everything she needs within herself. It’s the world that convinced her she did not.' - Rupi Kaur

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© Copyright 2024/2025 Dr. Maria Tedim | All rights reserved

The information provided in or through this Website is for educational and informational purposes only and solely as a self-help tool for your own use. The information provided in or through my Website pertaining to your health or wellness, exercise, relationships, business/career choices, finances, or any other aspect of your life is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment provided by your own Medical Provider or Mental Health Provider in person. You agree and acknowledge that I am not providing medical advice, mental health advice, or religious advice in any way. Always seek the advice of your own Medical Provider and/or Mental Health Provider regarding any questions or concerns you have about your specific health or any medications, herbs or supplements you are currently taking and before implementing any recommendations or suggestions from our Website. Do not disregard medical advice or delay seeking medical advice because of information you have read on this Website. Do not start or stop taking any medications without speaking to your own Medical Provider or Mental Health Provider. If you have or suspect that you have a medical or mental health problem, contact your own Medical Provider or Mental Health Provider promptly. The information contained on this Website has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.