A program to help women gain an edge in their performance, in their workouts, in their romantic and social connections and in their health, by tapping into cycle awareness.
with Dr. Maria, PhD
Welcome to the side of the internet where we stop giving you man-focused lifestyle advice.
Instead, we focus on female-based science!
Here's why.
You're entire life you've been guided by systems that only have the male biology in mind.
Male physiology is studied for optimal diets, exercise routines, work performance schedules, fasting methods, longevity habits...you name it.
This is why, no matter how hard you feel like you're trying, you always find yourself more exhausted than when you started OR not understanding why you can't get the same results you were promised.
Because you've been trying HARD to fit into a system that has never tried to integrate any of these strategies into the way your body functions.
This is ONE of the reasons why women are 10x more sick and burnt out than men.
That stops here.
You will experience, for the first time, what it looks like to create routines that are based on your unique female biology:
Your hormonal cycle.
✅If you want to feel more consistently focused and productive.
✅If you want to gain muscle and keep it.
✅ If you want to experience a healthy weight.
✅ If you want to feel fullfilled and light with your food choices.
✅ If you want your cycle to be regular, reliable and PMS free...
...then your basic lifestyle choices need to support the different phases of your hormonal cycle (aka menstrual cycle).
Cycle syncing has been all the craze lately thanks to social media (which is just amazing). But modern women in science have been fighting to get this information out to other women for over 30 years (thank you Dr. Catherine Woolley).
Ready to learn all the secrets your cycle has for you for a happier, more fulfilling and confident life?
I loved working with Maria! Being the type of person that doesn’t typically choose to rely on anyone for anything, this honestly speaks volumes about how amazing it was working with Maria. She gave me a safe space to work through the different areas that needed to be addressed and would give me non-judgmental feedback. I felt like I could be fully seen and safely explore the different aspects of this journey to a better cycle and overall health.
Now, my anxiety is at an all-time low. I have more outings with my children and husband without feeling overwhelmed or like I need to be in control over all aspects of it. My days are more productive towards my goals; hello to that half marathon I’ve been wanting to slay. My cycle is up to 26 days and my acne has reduced tremendously. I can fully be myself without worrying about how someone else views me.
If there is any complaint about my time working with Maria, it’s that the time ended way too soon. I’m looking forward to working with Maria in other aspects of my life in the near future.
Kristen - USA
Full-time mom & writer
I loved this program! My experience was definitely a positive one and Dr. Maria always made it a safe place to discuss any concerns I had.
Dr. Maria was always prepared and not only educated me on healthy living but also provided me with the tools to use on my own and use in my everyday life. The program is catered to your needs.
This program has given me back the control over my body and has given me the power and knowledge to fuel my body in the best ways possible as a woman. I feel confident and happy again. Thank you so much.
Kimberly - Canada
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