
Hi! I'm Dr. Maria

Cancer Researcher turned Women's Hormonal Health Specialist.

In this 1h30min consultation, I will make sure you've never felt safer to share your health struggles.

My 3 big values in my practise:

∎ to listen,

∎ to validate your experience,

∎ and create solutions based on your needs.

I will guide you with what you need to KNOW and DO, to get to the root causes of your issues, so you finally break the vicious cycle of "nothing seems to work for me".

We will create step-by-step strategies for you to take home and apply in your day-to-day.

These strategies will start to: lower your inflammation, improve your nutrition profile, get rid of exccess hormones in your body, and provide you with a regular PMS-free cycle.

The ultimate goal: to see your hormonal issues dissapear.


Just like all the women above...

You can also live a life where you feel GREAT in your body every day of each month!...Not just a couple of days a week.

Our menstrual cycles are meant to feel good, and our hormones are meant to support us, not sabotage us!

Let's change that for you and get you to experience what a healthy cycle feels like.

Let's bring back your energetic, pain-free self!

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